Professional Courses & Training


Self Realization Sevalight Centre for Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling

Pure Spiritual Healing Diploma Course

Professional Training Course in Pure Spiritual Healing to Diploma Qualification

Pure Spiritual Healing is a natural and pure healing therapy. Coming down through the ages, healing is once again playing an important role in the wellbeing and development of humankind. It works well alongside conventional medicine as well as other complimentary therapies. There is much to learn and discover about this natural spiritual and scientific therapy.

About the Course:

The Training consists of five in-depth class weeks / modules, with:

Upon successful completion, a diploma is awarded entitling the qualified healer to use DipPSpH. after their name, for professional purposes.

Individual guidance for students is an important part of the Course structure, to bring forward and nurture their development. We recommend that students come for regular Healing Refreshers to aid their development.

Further your Skills:

Advanced Pure Spiritual Healing Courses are held to further develop these skills, and are offered to students who have reached a level of proficiency in their Healing Practice.

In-depth Pure Meditation and Intuitive Counselling Courses are also offered. We see Meditation as an essential part of a healer’s training. Intuitive Counselling & Coaching complements the practice of Pure Spiritual Healing and works alongside it, and is recommended as a separate module. Please contact us if you would like to know more and/or to receive our course outline.

We are in touch with the developments of national and international certification qualifications for Healers in the countries in which we teach. The Courses we offer are kept up to or in excess of any expected standards, so that when the standards are ratified and qualification awarded, the Centre intends to be able to have its students achieving these qualifications without needing extra tuition.

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