Inspiration & Insights


Kathseva was interviewed by Milan Franszczak, host of the 'Because of the Times' Podcast as a part of his Season 1 interview series with Spiritual Leaders on the Sunshine Coast.  Have a listen...

In our everyday lives we are surrounded by countless demands – relationships, children, work, maintaining connections with friends and family, up keep of our homes and possessions and staying healthy, to name a few. The way we usually retreat from...

A few weeks ago, I was enjoying some quiet time in our meditation room at the Centre when I heard a very loud bang against the window. As I got up, I saw feathers floating through the air. A beautiful...

Do you love an adventure? Do you love to travel? Do you love the idea of travelling on a great journey? Would you like to solve your own mystery?You will need great Desire, enormous patience and tremendous Devotion. You will...

Healing. Peace. Inspiration. There’s no one who doesn’t need a little (a lot, usually) of these in our anxious, distracted, careworn times. The Sunshine Coast has long been a draw for those seeking themselves: path and purpose, innate health, and...

The Halfmoon Bay Information Referral Centre held its first trade show at the Halfmoon Bay Community School on Saturday, Oct. 24. Information referral coordinator Wendy Pearson said the idea for the trade show started when she compiled a list of...

Andrew Fentiman, working with Quincy, a seven-year-old standard poodle, demonstrates animal healing at the Holistic Health Clinic of the Self Realization Meditation Healing Centre. The clinic, located at 202-106 W. First St., North Vancouver, is holding an open house on...