Professional Courses & Training


Self Realization Sevalight Centre for Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling

Intuitive Listening & Communication Skills Course

First module of the intuitive counselling / coaching Professional Training Course

Many factors can impede our communication with others. Our ego, conditioning, preferences, prejudices, reactions and fear of the truth are but a few. This course will help you to identify these in yourself and give you ways to rise above them, so you can speak and listen with truth, wisdom and confidence. Facing ourselves and our ego enables us to be who we truly are. The focus of this course will be on self-mastery, awareness, unconditional love and intuition. A deeper spiritual understanding of ourselves and others helps us to relate and communicate with more depth, love and understanding. To learn to do this is to improve our relationships with others, both professionally and personally.

About the Course:

This powerful 5-day self-development module will cover:

Participation in the various practical exercises will provide opportunities to learn from experience and try new ways of communicating. There will be ample opportunities for questions and to receive more specific help.

Further your Skills:

This intuitive Listening & Communication course is the first module for the 3-year Diploma qualification in Intuitive Counselling, which provides the opportunity to take counselling and self-development to a highly advanced level.

Whether you work in business, education, health, the performing arts, sales or hospitality. Whether you are a manager, team member, and parent or just want to work on yourself – this course will help you to realise your full potential in the area of communication and relationships.

Upcoming Intuitive Listening and Communication Skills Courses


22 March 2025
March 22 - May 24
Self Realization Sevalight Centre, Halfmoon Bay, BC Canada

A powerful 15 hour self-development course that will help you to identify these in yourself and give you ways to rise above them, so you can speak and listen with truth, wisdom and confidence.