Professional Courses & Training


Self Realization Sevalight Centre for Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling

The Pure Meditation Course & Silent Retreat

Open the inner door to health ~ peace ~ joy and inner wisdom

The Pure Meditation Course is the ultimate course & retreat for today’s world – helping you to find and be your True self; develop greater peace of mind, health and happiness and understanding of yourself and others.  It is a Course for everyone ~ incorporating Raja and Kriya Yoga. Practicing Pure Meditation helps you to be in balance, come what may and reach your full potential in every aspect of your life. Find answers to all life’s questions on both a Spiritual and mortal level; learn how to truly Master yourself and bring peace, joy and unconditional Love to all that you do.

The full Raja-Kriya Yoga Course includes:

Kriya, simply means ‘to do’ and the Kriya techniques and Breaths taught on this course give you all that you need to take a healthy charge of your life, to be all that you can be. ‘Raja Yoga’ means the ‘highest’ and best of all Yoga forms (Yoga meaning Union) and this ancient practice, now given to us in ‘modern form’ is practicable by anyone in any walk of life today. No matter how busy you are, practicing for even a short while each day, brings greater health, harmony and contentment beyond compare. Learn more about Pure Meditation:

Your Stay at the Centre:

Students arrive on a Sunday afternoon to settle into their cabin accommodation, before staying for the week in the beauty and peace of the Centre in Halfmoon Bay. There are times to gather together for Group Pure Meditation in the morning and evening, and for teaching sessions throughout the day, as well as ample time to rest and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the Sunshine Coast. Delicious, healthy meals are lovingly prepared so that you can give your full attention to learning and assimilating all that is taught on the Course. Staying in this way, provides respite and retreat from daily life, leaving you refreshed and ready to take all that you learn into your life.

We hold regular courses throughout the year.

Upcoming Pure Meditation Courses


06 April 2025
April 6 - April 12

The Pure Meditation Course is the ultimate retreat which provides in-depth meditation teachings, practical tools & spiritual wisdom to navigate the challenges in today’s world. Develop greater peace of mind, health and happiness and a greater understanding of yourself and others.

08 June 2025
June 8 - June 14

The Pure Meditation Course is the ultimate retreat which provides in-depth meditation teachings, practical tools & spiritual wisdom to navigate the challenges in today’s world. Develop greater peace of mind, health and happiness and a greater understanding of yourself and others.

17 August 2025
August 17 - August 23

The Pure Meditation Course is the ultimate retreat which provides in-depth meditation teachings, practical tools & spiritual wisdom to navigate the challenges in today’s world. Develop greater peace of mind, health and happiness and a greater understanding of yourself and others.